Thursday 26 July 2012

Every Finish Line is the Beginning of a New Race.....again..!!!

3 years ago, I left the highly reputable organization that I've served for 11 years

Today, I left a big organization that I've only served for 5 months

I've reach another finish line in my career life

It's a beginning of my new race

This is where I really want to be

I'll run on this track to reach my destiny

Thanks Allah for making my dream becomes reality

p/s: am no longer a banker ...... at last

B B Bangi

Saturday 21 July 2012

1 Ramadhan 1433, 21 July 2012

Alhamdulillah. Allah has granted me and family to be in Ramadhan once again.
Last Ramadhan, we were in Manchester and today, here we are - in Bangi, Malaysia. Of course there are a lot of differences between Ramadhan here and there in terms of time, environment, culture, community, food etc, but above all these, the ultimate objective remains the same, no matter where we are - Allah's blessing.

Ramadhan Mubarak to all my family and friends, as well as to all muslim all over the world.

Friday 20 July 2012

Harapan PadaMu Subur Kembali

Antara bait lirik yang indah bermakna untuk dihayati...

"Di waktu  mengenang rahmatMu
Terasa diri kurang bersyukur
PadaMu harusku memohon
Moga syukurku bertambah
Alangkah susahnya mendidik nafsuku
Yang tidak dapat melihat kebenaranMu
Bantulah hambaMu
Dalam mendidik jiwaku ini..."