Thursday 15 September 2011


Some people might perceive that trust (in Arabic and Malay - Amanah) or obligation in raising child/children is merely by providing food, clothes, education and money. If that's all - it's pretty easy. Certainly, many people would be able to undertake this role easily. 

Nevertheless, I believe many people would agree with me that, it takes beyond all these in order to properly carry out the trust that you have placed on your shoulder. From my standpoint, there are significant differences between, providing ...

food vs. good food - not necessary the best, but good food that is halal, healthy (halalan toyyiban) and sufficient

clothes vs. proper clothes - regardless the brand and price, but appropriate for the time and place and in accordance to Syariah

education vs. formal and informal education - not only at school, but at home. We shouldn't neglect that the effort at home is utterly significant. I agree with the Malay proverb - "Melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya..."

money vs.  reasonable amount of money - not too little, not too much,  but sufficient based on a need basis - not based on want or nice to have basis.

Well, easier said than done. We know that.
However, we should go and hope for the best, not for us, but for the child's future.

Unfortunately, some people they just don't see or may be pretend not to see that there some people that have tried to fulfill the trust. In turn, those who tried to perform these duties is labelled as not responsible or not committed to the trust that is being carried out.

Unenthusiastically, after all the efforts and sacrifice, not hoping for the reward or recognition - just the understanding, and as a weak normal person, the will for giving in has started to fade away, feels like giving up forever....

Perhaps, after all the perils are past, they tend to forget.
When they see the beautiful rainbow, they forgot the rain...

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