Monday 23 May 2011

My Very Last Holiday with Ayah, 3-5 April 2009

It was initially an unplanned holiday as I didn’t have any intention to go to Cameron Highlands during that time. It was all started with my colleague, NH asked me on whether or not I would like to replace her and family to take up the CBM’s resort in Cameron – she was awarded for the resort after balloting. Unfortunately, her husband had to attend to other important matter. Given that the weekend was going to be my birthday – though I’m not that kind of person who really celebrates birthday, am too old for this I guess, nevertheless, I saw that as a good opportunity for me and family to take a short weekend break out of our routine lives. Furthermore, to go to one of my favorite local holiday destinations – green and beautiful scenery, different landscape, less pollution, and most importantly colder weather, why not, we go for a break in the peaceful highland of Cameron Highlands.
After checking mine and my wife schedules, without any hesitation, I accepted NH’s offer with a million thanks.  The next day, I rang Mak and Ayah inviting them to join us – knowing that none of them have ever been to Cameron. As for me, this is gonna be my second time. Ayah agreed to join us, but Mak didn’t want to – worrying about her knee pain.
The 3 days, 2 nights break went beautifully - as beautiful as Cameron. Among other attractions that we  will never experience in KL, we took Ayah to the tea plantation which always offers a spectacular green view of millions of the tea leaves to the tourists who love peaceful green environment with the cool breeze air. Not forgetting a lovely tea break that we had on the hill top – absolutely extraordinary, peaceful and calm – as calm as Ayah.  We also had an opportunity to take Ayah to strawberry farm for strawberry picking. The first strawberry picking experience for me as well, in Malaysia. It was a new experience for Ayah as normally I only took him to the big towns and cities. Though the green has always been part of Ayah's life, but at least this time, it is something different.

Undoubtedly, Cameron has always been my favorite place given its uniqueness. But, above all this, it means a lot more to me now as Cameron is the very last destination that I managed to take Ayah to, the very last (unplanned) holiday with Ayah, which I had never thought so, as I was almost certain that time, as always, will permit me to take Ayah to Melaka in July - as planned.

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