Monday 20 June 2011

Happy Father's Day

Yesterday, 19 June 2011 was a Father's Day. I received two lovely cards from my boys - Adam and Adli. I noticed that on Friday, while we were walking back from school, both of them were talking to each other that the Father's Day would be on Sunday. They hinted me that there will be a surprise that I will only know on Sunday.  I was literally aware that even at home, they were whispering to each other about that too, can't wait to reveal their 'BIG secret', perhaps haha..... I was just pretending as if I got no idea on what is gonna happen.

At the end, on Sunday after I came back from a dialogue session at the British Muslim Heritage Centre, the well kept BIG secret was finally revealed. Each of them handed me a lovely card that was prepared at school. Thanks sons for the lovely card..!!! Thanks for the effort and more importantly the thought - "I will try the best that I could to be the best Ayah for both of you, sons".

Card from Hariz Adam. The rationale why he chose blue colour is because "Ayah likes Manchester City team."

Card from Hariz Adli. His justification on the colour, red - "Because Ayah's favourite colour is red".

Looking to these cards reminds me to my Ayah. Happy Father's Day, Ayah. You are the best Ayah for me. Really feel that I have never thanked you enough when you were around. At this moment, neither card nor present that I can give you now, Ayah. But deep in my heart I know that, I would be able to give a lot more than all these. Something that money can't buy, something that more than the world, something that you are hoping for that will be directly delivered to you and will last forever - 'doa anak yang soleh'.

"Ya Allah, ampunkanlah dosa Ayahku. Kasihanilah Ayahku sebagaimana Ayahku telah mengasihani aku sewaktu aku kecil dahulu. Himpunkanlah roh Ayahku bersama roh-roh orang yang beriman dan bertaqwa. Jauhilah Ayahku daripada siksaan kubur dan azab api neraka. Luaskanlah kubur Ayahku seluasnya taman-taman di Syurga dan di Akhirat nanti masukkanlah Ayahku dalam Syurga bersama mereka yang soleh, Amin".


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