Tuesday 21 June 2011

Happy 8th Birthday My Son

Today, Hariz Adam, my eldest son turns to 8. I still can vividly remember, 8 years ago, the day when Adam came to our lives. The moment when I moved to another big chapter in my life - as Ayah, who has to be fully responsible and answerable on everything about my son. The time  that made me really amazed how great is Allah, among others, in creating another human being - Subhanallah.

I just couldn't thank enough my wife who has gone through a lot of difficulties during pregnancy until the day when Adam was born. Still clear in my mind, how happy she was with a big smile, seems like all the pain diminished right away, when looking at our first son with his innocent small eyes staring at us.

Today, 8 years have passed since Adam came to this world. We were so happy that we managed to find a brilliant birthday card (at Lowry Mall, Salford Quay) - Adam's favourite English football team. As expected he loves the card so much.

For birthday treat, he requested for sushi, so we took him to Yo! Sushi, our favourite sushi restaurant at Manchester Arndale. As for birthday present, we have yet to buy him the present - latest Chelsea 2011/2012 jersey that we will buy during our visit to Stamford Bridge next month.

Dear Adam, "On a special day like this, we just want you to know that it is really awesome to have such a lovely and obedient son like you. Have a wonderful birthday son" - Lots of love from Ayah & Mama.

"Ya Allah ! Jadikanlah anak-anak kami anak yang soleh yang dapat mendoakan kebaikan kami di dunia dan Akhirat, Amin"

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