Saturday 29 October 2011

Roses in October Rain

Just for you MMJ (the roses lover),

          With lots of love,
          & the coming HAZ ...

Friday 28 October 2011

Nikmat Iman dan Islam

Indahnya kita ini dilahirkan dalam nikmat iman dan Islam.

Dalam meniti sisa kehidupan di bumi asing ini, makin terpancar cahaya kesyukuran yang aku ini sejak azali hidup di dalam kalimah Syahadah. Jelas di depan mata betapa malang dan ruginya mereka yang hidup bergelumang arak, judi, zina, makanan haram yang disuap saban hari dan segala macam kemaksiatan dan kemungkaran demi keseronokan di pentas sementara. Aku tidak mampu membaca kotak fikiran mereka, apatah lagi menaksir definisi kehidupan dalam kamus hidup mereka.

Namun, berdasarkan pandangan mata hatiku, hidup mereka kosong sebenarnya, bagaikan tiada tujuan - sesat dalam cahaya yang terang. Walaupun ada juga di kalangan mereka yang memiliki sikap baik dan jujur, namun jauh di sudut hati, aku bersimpati dengan erti pegangan hidup mereka. Tiada apa yang nak dibanggakan dengan kehidupan mereka. Ya Allah! lindungilah kami agar tidak  menjadi seperti mereka apatah lagi menjadi sebahagian daripada mereka.

Terkadang aku tertanya sendiri, beginikah aku jika aku dilahirkan tanpa nikmat iman dan Islam yang Allah s.w.t kurniakan - nikmat yang tidak terhitung. Sesat dalam keseronokan sementara, bagaimana nasib di SANA nanti yang kekal abadi...?

Seungkap peringatan untuk aku, keluargaku dan sahabatku, nikmat yang kita perolehi ini terlalu agung nilainya. Mungkin kita, sebagai insan, pernah alpa dalam meniti kehidupan singkat ini, namun selagi kita bernafas, segeralah kembali ke jalan yang benar, walaupun kita pernah menempuhi jalan yang berliku, namun teruskan mengorak langkah demi mencari redha Allah.

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, rukuklah serta sujudlah (mengerjakan sembahyang) dan beribadatlah kepada Tuhan kamu (dengan mentauhidkanNya), serta kerjakanlah amal-amal kebajikan; supaya kamu berjaya (di dunia dan di akhirat) – Surah Al-Hajj,77

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Happy Birthday to a Permanent Residence in my Heart - my wife Malisa ...

Today, 26 October 2011, my beloved wife Malisa turns to 32. This is her 10th birthday since we've shared our life together and since she has become the permanent residence in my heart.

My million thanks to her for accepting me the way I am, being a good wife, lover, friend, and adversary - sometimes ... (in the sense that always make me realize my strenghts and weaknesses) and a loving mama to our kids.

"Ya Allah. Jadikanlah isteriku, isteri yang solehah yang dapat membawa kesudahan yang baik untuk kehidupanku dan keluargaku di dunia dan di Akhirat..Amin".

I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You found me home and sail with me
And I`m here with you
Now let me let you know

You`ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along
And there’s a couple words I want to say

For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you...loving you

For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I…
I`ll be there for you

I know that deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You`re my wife and my friend and my strength
And I pray we`re together eternally

Now I find myself so strong
Everything changed when you came along
And there’s a couple word I want to say

I know that deep in my heart now that you`re here
In front of me I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt
And I`m singing loud that I`ll love you eternally

I know that deep in my heart..

“For The Rest Of My Life”
Album: Thank You Allah
Lyrics: Maher Zain, Charbel Amso, Abou-Daniell & Bara Kherigi
Melody & Arrangement: Maher Zain & Abou-Daniell
© Awakening Records 2011

Friday 21 October 2011

Adli's 6th Birthday

October 20th 2011, Adli turns to 6 years old. Well, not very much different from Adam's birthday in June - there was no special celebration for him. Actually we have bought football jersey and other football merchandises for each of them as birthday present back in July during our visit to Stamford Bridge and Arsenal - Chelsea for Adam (belated) and Arsenal for Adli (advance). Adli also has got his birthday card - Arsenal card, together with Adam's Chelsea card, again in advance for Adli, to avoid the jealousy....

Adli @ Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland

Nevertheless, both of them insisted to buy at least one more present. Therefore, we went to Mcr city centre right after they finished their school. As a result, Adli, as predicted, he grabbed his super power character -  Power Ranger Samurai (both the hero and the bad guy) and Adam, as usual, he passionate about wheel, so he got himself a die-cast London Ambulance. 

Adli, being a baby in the family then insisted for a birthday cake with candles. We couldn't make it on the same day as we were tired and the autumn weather was extremely cold that evening. So we went straight back home from the city centre. However, promise is still a promise.... In the next day, after school,  Adli claimed his right, so I took both of them to ASDA to find a cake and told him that he has to share the cake with Adam (belated cake...).

p.s: Adli, your birthday next year definitely won't be the same ... weather or not you realize the fact that Mama is having a terrible morning sickness (well more towards evening sickness...) my dear're surely gonna lose your 'baby'status in the family.... Get ready for it "young brother"...:-)

He was puzzled to choose either Spiderman or Ben10 cake

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Selimut Putih

This song used to be Ayah's favorite song.
What the lyric tell us is absolutely true ...

Bila Izrail datang memanggil
Jasad terbujur di pembaringan
Seluruh tubuh akan menggigil
Terbujur badan dan kedinginan

Tak ada lagi gunanya harta
Kawan karib sanak saudara
Jikalau ada amal di dunia
Itulah hanya pembela kita

Janganlah mahu disanjung-sanjung
Engkau digelar manusia agung
Sedarlah diri tahu diuntung
Sebelum masa kerenda diusung

Datang masanya insaflah diri
Selimut putih pembalut badan
Tinggal semua yang dikasihi
Berbaktilah hidup sepanjang zaman

Selimut Putih -Orkes El-Suraya

Tuesday 18 October 2011

PadaMu Kubersujud

Ku menatap dalam kelam
Tiada yang bisa ku lihat
Selain hanya namaMu
Ya Allah ...

Esok ataukah nanti
Ampuni semua salahku
Lindungi aku dari segala fitnah

Kau tempatku meminta
Kau beri ku bahagia,
Jadikan aku selamanya
HambaMu yang selalu bertaqwa

Ampuniku ya Allah
Yang sering melupakanMu
Saat Kau limpahkan kurniaMu
Dalam sunyinya kubersujud

Esok ataukah nanti
Ampuni semua salahku
Lindungi aku dari segala fitnah

Kau tempatku meminta
Kau beri ku bahagia,
Jadikan aku selamanya
HambaMu yang selalu bertaqwa

Ampuniku ya Allah
Yang sering melupakanMu
Saat Kau limpahkan kurniaMu
Dalam sunyinya kubersujud

Afghan 2010

Thursday 6 October 2011

Steve Jobs 1955 - 2011

Steve Jobs philosophy that made him who he is ....

"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do."
"If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on."

"You have to trust in something: your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life."

"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future."

Steve Jobs, the visionary in the black turtleneck who co-founded Apple in a Silicon Valley garage, built it into the world's leading tech company and led a mobile-computing revolution with wildly popular devices such as the iPhone, died Wednesday, 6 October 2011. He was 56.
Jobs' death, while dreaded by Apple's legions of fans, was not unexpected. He had battled cancer for years, took a medical leave from Apple in January and stepped down as chief executive in August because he could "no longer meet (his) duties and expectations."
Born February 24, 1955, and then adopted, Jobs grew up in Cupertino, California -- which would become home to Apple's headquarters -- and showed an early interest in electronics. As a teenager, he phoned William Hewlett, president of Hewlett-Packard, to request parts for a school project. He got them, along with an offer of a summer job at HP.
Jobs dropped out of Oregon's Reed College after one semester, although he returned to audit a class in calligraphy, which he says influenced Apple's graceful, minimalist aesthetic. He quit one of his first jobs, designing video games for Atari, to backpack across India and take psychedelic drugs. Those experiences, Jobs said later, shaped his creative vision.
While at HP, Jobs befriended Steve Wozniak, who impressed him with his skill at assembling electronic components. The two later joined a Silicon Valley computer hobbyists club, and when he was 21, Jobs teamed with Wozniak and two other men to launch Apple Computer Inc.

It's long been Silicon Valley legend: Jobs and Wozniak built their first commercial product, the Apple 1, in Jobs' parents' garage in 1976. Jobs sold his Volkswagen van to help finance the venture. The primitive computer, priced at $666.66, had no keyboard or display, and customers had to assemble it themselves.
The following year, Apple unveiled the Apple II computer at the inaugural West Coast Computer Faire. The machine was a hit, and the personal computing revolution was under way.Jobs was among the first computer engineers to recognize the appeal of the mouse and the graphical interface, which let users operate computers by clicking on images instead of writing text.
(An excerpt from

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Sinar itu

Tika terang aku leka
Leka terang sinar suluhku
Tika kelam aku hiba
Hiba kelam gelita padamku

Dalam terang dalam kelam
Aku masih cari dan cari
Mana sinar itu
Arah mana tuju
Mahu jumpa mahu gapai
Agar kukuh diri dalam sinar
Moga mudah kembaraku

Masih belum jumpa
Aku cuba cari
Aku bingung cari
Aku belum cukup cari
Aku lemah cari jumpa dan hilang

Sinar itu
Aku mahu
Aku mahu
Aku mahu ...
Ya Allah ! Tunjukkan aku dengan rahmatMu ...


Sunday 2 October 2011

Belum Tentu ...

"Belum tentu orang yang tuan-tuan tengok duduk di dalam kereta yang mewah dan rumah yang besar, hatinya lebih bahagia daripada hati kita... belum tentu"
"Belum tentu dia boleh duduk macam tuan-tuan tepi jalan sambil minum teh sambil sandar ... aku senang hati ..... belum tentu"

Allah Memberi Nikmat dan Ujian
(Petikan ceramah Dr. Asri)