Friday 21 October 2011

Adli's 6th Birthday

October 20th 2011, Adli turns to 6 years old. Well, not very much different from Adam's birthday in June - there was no special celebration for him. Actually we have bought football jersey and other football merchandises for each of them as birthday present back in July during our visit to Stamford Bridge and Arsenal - Chelsea for Adam (belated) and Arsenal for Adli (advance). Adli also has got his birthday card - Arsenal card, together with Adam's Chelsea card, again in advance for Adli, to avoid the jealousy....

Adli @ Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland

Nevertheless, both of them insisted to buy at least one more present. Therefore, we went to Mcr city centre right after they finished their school. As a result, Adli, as predicted, he grabbed his super power character -  Power Ranger Samurai (both the hero and the bad guy) and Adam, as usual, he passionate about wheel, so he got himself a die-cast London Ambulance. 

Adli, being a baby in the family then insisted for a birthday cake with candles. We couldn't make it on the same day as we were tired and the autumn weather was extremely cold that evening. So we went straight back home from the city centre. However, promise is still a promise.... In the next day, after school,  Adli claimed his right, so I took both of them to ASDA to find a cake and told him that he has to share the cake with Adam (belated cake...).

p.s: Adli, your birthday next year definitely won't be the same ... weather or not you realize the fact that Mama is having a terrible morning sickness (well more towards evening sickness...) my dear're surely gonna lose your 'baby'status in the family.... Get ready for it "young brother"...:-)

He was puzzled to choose either Spiderman or Ben10 cake

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