Wednesday 10 August 2011

Rioting, looting, burning and smashing in England

For the past three days, world has been focusing on the riot that started in London and then spread beyond London to other major cities in England - Birmingham, Nottingham, Bristol, Liverpool and Manchester.

This chaotic situation sparked with the death of a man, Mark Duggan, who was shot dead by the police in Tottenham, London (whom some believed was unfairly targeted by the authorities and some believed that he is under surveillance by police due to his involvement in gun crime). At first, the family members of the man gathered peacefully in front of the police station to protest on Mark Duggan shooting. Subsequently, others joined the gathering and turned the event into violent. Basically, this incident is just the trigger point for the English, particularly young citizen to voice their dissatisfaction over the government and authority on the current condition in the UK partucularly England - job losses, high unemployment rate, benefit and spending cut etc.

In Manchester, the riot started in Salford area and then spread to the heart of the city centre. Alhamdulillah, all of us are safe as our area is not affected. We have just moved from Hulme to Wittington yesterday, meaning that we are now about 6 miles away from city centre and Salford. As at today, the situtaion has been brought under control and some businesses have resumed their operations - business as usual. Public and volunteers gathered in the city centre to clean up the aftermath mess.

This breaking news has also widely covered in Malaysia's media. When I was at Wittington Sainsbury this afternoon, suddenly I received a phone call from Marlina (Astro Awani's newscaster and reporter) asking on whether I would agree for the phone interview about current situation in Manchester, particularly on the safety of Malaysian here. Without any hesitation, I agreed for the interview. At first I thought, the interview was only for them to gather some information from Malaysian abroad, not to be aired.  It was until, Ya (my sister in-law) told me that the interview was aired on the Astro Awani news. My photo and voice were in the news for about 30 seconds as correspondent from Manchester. Thanks Marlina, thanks Astro Awani, I have got a new experience today and have contributed something for the Malaysian back home, thousands miles away.
Rakaman Awal
Zulkifli Mohamed Noor
Rakyat Malaysia di Manchester

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