Friday 25 November 2011

The Last Day of the Last Malaysian at the Rolls Crescent Primary School

Today is the last day of Adam and Adli at the Rolls Crescent Primary school.

It also means that there is no more Malaysian pupil at this school. Until when? I don't have the definite answer right now, but certainly until the new Malaysian family choose to live in Hulme and decide to enroll their kid(s) at this school.

Adam, consistantly being him who really enjoy living abroad, as always, reluctant to go back to Malaysia as he loves the school so much. He keeps comparing the school in the UK with the school in Malaysia. I agree with him that there are a lot of factors that make him enjoy schooling here relatively compared to Malaysia... I believe, like other children, who are normally less bias in their judgement, as compared to adult, Adam has several valid reasons on why he loves the school here so much. One thing that I can say that might represent various factors is... the system...

Adli, when I asked him,

Me:  Today is your last day, so how do you feel?
Adli: Happy and sad.
Me:  Why happy and sad?
Adli: Happy to go back to Malaysia to meet my Bibik and to play with all my toys that we have shipped. Sad because I'm gonna miss my friends here.

As the matter of fact, during their school days here, the boys didn't want to miss their school. Really hope that there will be the same situation later in Malaysia...

we have to go home. I'm perfectly understand the mixture of feeling. We have to return to where we belong. Let's keep all the sweet bitter memories in one of the chapters of our lives and let's we move on to create many other wonderful chapters back home.

Adam and Adli with Head Teacher Mrs Zaidi, Mr McCarthy and
Ms Broughton- Head
Adam, Adli and Mrs Pardes

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