Sunday 6 November 2011

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha 1432H

Salam Aidil Adha to all my family, friends and all muslimin and muslimat in every corner of the world.

My prayer for all of us, may the Almighty Allah ...

  • forgive us for all our sins we have committed;
  • strengthen our heart with Iman and Istiqamah;
  • protect us from sins, syaiton and evil temptations;
  • give us good knowledge that will lead us to success; 
  • guide us to the right path that will lead us to Jannah;
  • accept our repentance, doa and all our good deeds; and
  • bless us with happiness in our life, here and hereafter..Amin

Al-Fatihah to Ayah and my in-laws.
In the name of Allah, the Most Kind and the Most Merciful, please bless them and reward them with Jannah...Amin. 

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