Saturday 31 December 2011

2011 ... 2012

We spent 92.3% of our 2011 days in the UK. Therefore, all sweet and bitter memories for this year mostly about the experience in living abroad.
A lot of new things that my family, especially my kids, have learnt there. From this valuable experience, we are certainly able to make rationale comparison and judgement on the pros and cons between homeland and abroad.

As at today, after nearly one month, we are home, I personally still need a little bit of time to adopt, not the weather, environment etc, what more the language haha... - but the price of goods here especially food. Why the food price is so terribly expensive now..??? How the low income earner and the poor cope with all these..??? Is the published inflation rate is true figure..? What will gonna happen in the future? Have the Governemnt done enough to deal with these problems?
From the perspective of rakyat yang didahulukan ini, I really feel the pain....!!!
The price of basic food - the necessity for us to survive is too high.... Don't talk about the fuel, education, services, utilities etc yet... more headache..!!! Ironically, I end up my 2011 thinking about all these...

Really miss ASDA and Home Bargains...

Hope 2012 will bring more happiness to all of us. The most critically  important - Allah's blessing.

On the new resolution part, I don't really have a yearly basis resolution as I believe on the day-to-day resolution - to make today better than yesterday.

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