Friday 2 December 2011

Seri Muka - Intergeneration and Intercontinent

Among all the attractions in London; one of the biggest cities in the world, for us, the Malaysian Hall's canteen has become one of the desirable spots in our own way. My wife and kids (especially Adam) as always, have craving for Malaysian food. Therefore, this is the perfect place for them here. As for me, I personally like Bayswater area, not solely because of Malaysian food, but due to other factors - many cheap souvenir shops, Halal food, near to Princess Diana playground at Hyde Park, two tube stations (Bayswater and Queensway) etc.
Besides rice and variety of Malaysian dishes here, my kids really love kueh seri muka - one of the scrumptious Malay traditional delicacies. Undeniably, the sweet and milky taste, softness and possibly the fresh look of green and white colours of seri muka make them love it so much.

Looking at them eating seri muka, suddenly it made me think on how the traditional food is able to connect the earlier generation with the later unlimitedly. Another thing that I see is how borderless the traditional food can travel across the globe. During my childhood day, while I was having seri muka, never, even for a half second, I had a thought that, someday my kids will be having kueh seri muka right here in London.

Here we are today, my Ayah's favourite kueh - that he used to buy for us especially when we went back to kampung in Ramadhan, has now been travelling across the generation and continent.

Another point that I want to say here is, we should also carry on introducing and sharing all the good and positive Malay cultural practices to our kids. Among the good practices that I admire is on how older Malay generation created poem with the objective to advise through a subtle message in the poem. Similar to traditional food, if we properly inculcate the positive and constructive traditional practices and advices, they will remain relevant and continue to benefit those who appreciate them intergenerationally and intercontientally.

Pulau Pandan jauh ke tengah,
Gunung Daik bercabng tiga,
Hancur badan di kandung tanah,
Budi yang baik dikenang juga.

Berbunga lebat pohon rambutan,
Hinggap tempua berjuntai kaki,
Bila dapat memandang bulan,
Jangan lupa rumput di bumi.

Asam kandis asam gelugur,
Ketiga asam si riang-riang,
Menangis mayat di pintu kubur,
Teringat badan tidak sembahyang.

Tanam sepohon limau purut,
Tanam di pasu dengan cermat,
Dunia direbut akhirat dituntut,
Baru sempurna umat Muhammad.

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