Wednesday 28 December 2011

New Look for the New Year

Finally three of us got the hair cut today.

As for Adli, this is the first time he got a hair cut from the professional barber. All this while, the 'semi-pro barber' has been responsible in trimming and maintaining his long hair (it's me..). 

Adli looks so different with the new hair style as he has never had a short hair before. He's so happy with his new look. The reason being, nobody will get confuse whether he's a boy or girl. Another thing, according to him, some boys wouldn't call him Messi anymore. He doesn't like to be called Messi because he doesn't like Barcelona...:)

However, the new hair style doesn't make much different for Adam, as he used to have a short hair before. Anyway, he's so excited with his new look and is busy looking for a hair gel so that he can have a 'spiky' hairstyle.

Hello 2012, we are ready for the new year with our new look..:)

Time flies. Day, month and year come and go.
Nevertheless, we shouldn't let go all the 'long hair' memories sons..!!! 

MH 003 Boeing 747-400 cockpit. London - KL

2011 Aidil Adha morning @ the
 British Muslim Heritage Centre, Whalley Range
Pre-graduation photo session
Between dream and reality
Adam @ Madame Tussaud London

Adli the long hair spiderman

Adli - the youngest passanger in the golden club class

Adam - enjoy flying the business class

The last day @ Manchester city centre

Farewell - with Minoru @ Manchester Piccadilly

Farewell - with Keiko @ Manchester Piccadilly

On the bench in autumn

Just to say goodbye John Rylands

Oxford Road view Univ. of Manchester

Farewell dinner @ Thai Banana with Mao and Shiori
(Malisa's best friends)

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